Inclusive Job and Apprenticeship Fair
CARIAD takes part in the Inclusive Job and Apprenticeship Fair in Ingolstadt to promote diversity and equal opportunities.

What’s the event about?
People with disabilities must be able to participate in working life on an equal and self-determined basis. Work leads to social participation and participation in education. This is the only way to achieve an inclusive society. With this in mind, the city of Ingolstadt organizes the fair to connect employers from the region with people with disabilities who are looking for an apprenticeship, internship or full-time position.
How can you meet CARIAD?
You can find us at our booth. Feel free to ask us about anything that’s on your mind.
Learn more about the Inclusive Job and Apprenticeship Fair in Ingolstadt: IFG Ingolstadt: Inklusive Job- und Ausbildungsmesse der Region 10 (
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