Integrity & Compliance

Acting with integrity, responsibility and lawful conduct is an integral part of our corporate culture at CARIAD. They form the basis for our actions.

We take responsibility – as a member of society, as a business partner and in the workplace

People group standing outdoor with notebook


For us, setting an example of integrity means doing the right thing in our
professional environment out of our own conviction.

Integrity, transparency and fairness are crucial to creating credibility and trust in business transactions. We therefore attach particular importance to consistently implementing and clearly communicating the legal framework, internal Group guidelines and corporate values.

Car leaf window


At CARIAD SE, we use a Compliance Management System (CMS)
in accordance with internationally recognized standards.

Our CMS reflects the principles, measures, processes and structures that must be permanently established and continuously improved in order to comply with laws and counteract systematic misconduct.


Our focus on integrity, compliance and human rights strengthens the trust of employees, customers and partners in CARIAD. We drive our innovations forward with a deep sense of responsibility. This is important to me personally.

Stefan Schneider

Stefan Schneider

Chief Compliance Officer, Chief Integrity Officer & Human Rights Officer

Code of Conduct

The trust of customers and stakeholders in our Company and its products is our most valuable asset.

We can only strengthen public trust and protect the Volkswagen Group, its employees and our environment by conducting ourselves with integrity and honesty. That includes being familiar with the applicable statutory regulations and internal rules, and complying with them.

The Code of Conduct is the basis for our actions.

Code of Conduct for Business Partner

For us, setting an example of integrity means doing the right thing in our professional environment out of our own conviction.

Integrity, transparency and fairness are crucial to creating credibility and trust in business transactions. We therefore attach particular importance to consistently implementing and clearly communicating the legal framework, internal Group guidelines and corporate values.

Human and Environmental Rights

As a globally active company and part of the Volkswagen Group, we are aware of our responsibility to respect human rights and to comply with our human rights and environmental due diligence obligations. This is the benchmark for our corporate actions along the supply chain. 

CARIAD is committed to complying with human rights and environmental due diligence obligations in accordance with the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz, LkSG).

The documents are currently only available in German.

With the Policy Statement, CARIAD acknowledges its responsibility to respect human rights and to explain how it fulfills this obligation.
The Report on the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act for the German Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA) contains a detailed description of the implementation of the law at CARIAD.

Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement

Following the passing of the Modern Slavery Act 2015, we publish our annual Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement here.